Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Martyn Jones yn gwastraffu amser ac ynni yn poeni am ei etholwyr

Diolch i Politics Cymru a Plaid Wrecsam am dynnu fy sylw at y datganiad rhyfeddol yma gan Aelod Seneddol De Clwyd, Martin Jones:

I'm concerned about the number of people with long-term conditions in my constituency who may be choosing to go without vital medicines as a result of the recession and the rising costs of fuel and other bills. Gordon Brown was right to promise free prescriptions for people with long-term conditions, but he must now follow through and implement this promise as soon as possible.

Mae'n rhaid bod pawb yn y wlad ag eithrio Mr Jones druan yn gwybod bod prescripsiwns yn rhad ac am ddim yng Nghymru, ac felly i'w holl etholwyr.

Y peth mwyaf dychrynllyd ydi bod Martin ar y Pwyllgor Dethol Materion Cymreig, ac felly'n craffu ar yr holl ddarnau o ddeddfwriaeth sy'n cael eu hanfon o'r Cynulliad i San Steffan o dan y drefn LCOs. Ac eto, dydi'r dyn ddim yn gwybod am un o brif bolisiau ei blaid ar lefel Cynulliad.

Tybed o ble mae'r Blaid Lafur Gymreig yn dod o hyd i'w gwleidyddion?


Dylan said...

ymateb Plaid Cymru wedi bod yn chwit-chwat braidd yn anffodus

Hywel Williams:
"Oh dear, it appears that someone has not been paying very much attention. I'd be the last to suggest that, in the Christmas rush, he may have put his name to a ready made press release but it is rather an embarrassing oversight!

"On a positive note, I am glad to see him supporting a policy that the Plaid driven One-Wales government is rightly very proud of - and something that he feels Gordon Brown is playing catch up with Welsh policy over."

Janet Ryder:
"It appears that the MP has not been paying very much attention to what is actually happening in Clwyd South. I'd be the last to suggest that, in the Christmas rush, he may have put his name to a ready made press release but it is rather an embarrassing oversight!

"On a positive note, I am glad to see him supporting a policy that the Plaid driven One-Wales government is rightly very proud of and something that he feels Gordon Brown is playing catch up with Welsh policies. Next year voters will get a chance to vote for someone who will put the people of the area first and not lose touch."

dydi'r darn yn tynnu coes Martyn am roi enw'n frysiog ar ddatganiad i'r wasg wedi'i pharatoi gan swyddogion y Blaid ddim cweit yn cael yr un effaith wrth edrych ar ddatganiad y ddau Bleidiwr! Wps.

a'n fwy na hynny wrth gwrs, dw i'n reit siwr bod presgripsiwn am ddim yn bolisi a welwyd cyn dyfodiad y glymblaid.

ond wrth gwrs, dydi hynny ddim yn negyddu trychineb y ffaith bod aelod seneddol sydd ar y blydi pwyllgor dethol materion Cymreig mor anobeithiol o anwybodus o wleidyddiaeth y genedl fach 'ma

Anonymous said...

Roedd Martyn yn arfer bod yn Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor yma! Mae hyn yn gywilyddus a chwarae mewn i ddwylo y Tori John Bell.