Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Democratiaeth unigryw Prydain

Hmm - felly mae gan y Dim Lems 101 o wleidyddion anetholedig yn San Steffan a naw o rhai etholedig.  Dweud y cyfan am 'ddemocratiaeth' Prydeinig debyg.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:08 am

    1.Oes unrhyw dystiolaeth sicr mai perfformiad Llafur yn y cynulliad sbardunodd ennillion Toriadd o ran Gwyr a Chlwyd?http://www.clickonwales.org/2015/05/something-is-going-very-deeply-wrong-for-labour/
    “Quite simply, Labour did worse in Wales than parts of England because they are in government in Wales...

    2.Dosranniad pleidleisiau Llafur
    Conservatives led the national vote and won one seat in Parliament for every 34,244 votes they received. Labour, which wasted so many votes in Scotland and elsewhere, got one seat per 40,277 votes
